Relay-2 (2 Isolated Outputs)
Convert 'HMS 12 Volt Drivers' to Relay Contacts
2 Isolated outputs (Relays)

- small footprint (3.2 x 3.0 inches)
- Connect to any HMS board with drivers to convert from 12 volt logic drive
to isolated contacts
- 2 Relays for Isolated Outputs (Normally Open contacts only)
- -AC version includes 'AC voltage snubber networks' for EMI/RFI noise
- Use the 12Volt power on the HMS board to drive the relays
- -SA version ('Stand Alone') has the added terminal block for additional
wiring connections
These relays are used to supply isolated outputs to remote devices or lamps.
U.L. Single Contact Ratings: 2 amps 120VAC, .6 amps, 120VDC. Maximum
contact rating (Not U.L.) 3.0 amps, 250VAC. These are dual contact relays and
the contacts are in parallel. These relays can supply double the current
rating of the single contact. The dual contact rating shown.
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