These are the default scenes unless custom ordered boards: (inputs going low selects the scene)
Input 1: Fades Output 1 to full on (output 1 of
each set of RGB drives)
Input 2: Fades Output 2 to full on (output 2 of
each set of RGB drives)
Input 3: Fades Output 3 to full on (output 3 of
each set of RGB drives)
Input 4: Fades Outputs 1,2,3 to full on, pauses
for 5 secones, then fades to 'Off' pauses for 5 seconds (continuously repeats)
(for each set of RGB driver).
Input 5: (5 input boards) Fades Outputs 1 & 2
to full on (for each set of RGB drives)
Input 6 (6 input boards) Fades Output
2 & 3 to full on (for each set of RGB drives)
Note: Relessing the inputs
(inputs go high), turns off the associated outputs with fade
Input 1 plays scene 24 (does 'GOTO scene 1, repeats = 0)
Input 2 plays scene 25 (does 'GOTO scene 2, repeats = 0)
Input 3 plays scene 26 (does 'GOTO scene 3, repeats = 0)
Input 4 plays scene 27 (does 'GOTO scene 4, repeats = 255) ;Note: 255 is forever repeats!
If these inputs are available (see the RGB board data sheet)
Input 5 plays scene 28 (does 'Goto scene 5, repeats = 0)
Input 6 plays scene 29 (does 'goto scene 6, repeats = 0)
Author: Richard Harkey
Revised: August 27, 2024