16 input RS232 (Serial Interface Board)
The TX/RX pins can be reversed with simple on board jumper (normal or reverse TX/RX pins). This feature supports either style of RS232 cable (null modem cable or standard RS232 cable). The standard RS232 cable has pins 2 and 3 swapped (pin2 of one end connects to pin 3 of the other end).
Operation: (Firmware 3.2) When an input is grounded (set low), a string is sent out that represents the input (BrightAuthor compatible). If multiple inputs are activated, successive inputs are reported. I.E. If input 1 is closed, the "1" is reported. Then if input 9 closes also, then the new input "9" is reported. When all inputs go high, then a zero is reported (switches have all been released).
The strings are:
Contact HMS Electronics if you have need of other than 'strings' to be sent in response to inputs.
Important: IF using the external 5V power, remove the large red jumper
J4 Connector is utilized as a 3.5mm stereo 'RS232' connectors as is found commonly on products. The same TX/RX pin swap is utilized.
Note: IF ordering this board and you need the 3.5mm stereo connector, email us to specify that you need the 3.5mm and not the DB9 connector.
(BrightScript File)
This script written for this 16 input board in 'ascii' mode. It will play a slide to match the input number (slides 1 through 16).
Un-Zip this file to the Root Directory of your SD card and rename the file RS232_Slides.BRS to autorun.brs. All of the slides should be in the 'Slides' sub-directory.
Author: Richard Harkey
Revised: August 27, 2024