Brightsign RS232 'Serial Port' Interface Board

16 Input, 16 Output
RS232 (Serial Interface Board)
- Footprint (5.3 x 3.1 inches)
- 16 inputs, 16 medium current outputs (2 Amperes each)
- Terminal blocks for all input and output connections
- 5V (BrightSign) standard RS232 connections)
- External '+V' (12 or 24VDC) Required to drive external lighting)
- On board LED's to indicate Power and Processor running.
- Can be directly mounted to the BrightSign RS232 connector (requires
attaching screws to be ordered separately)
- RS232 Cable (Not Null-Modem Crossover Cable)
- 1. Activation of inputs 1-16 (connect any input to 0V) sends out Ascii
'1' to '16' followed by <CR> (Carriage Return), because the BrightSign is
normally looking for 'Strings'.
- 2. This board uses the 'HMS Protocol'. Fade Control for the 8 outputs.
Note: See the section below for 'Not HMS Protocol' for simple byte control
This Firmware allows for multiple inputs low at the same time. I.E. If
input 1 goes low ('1' is reported), then input 2 goes low (while input 1 is held
low), then input 2 will be reported. If any 'active' Input (switch) opens
then closes, it will be reported as a new input. I.E. suppose input1 is closed
and input2 is closed and opened multiple times. A '2' will be sent with
each successive switch closure. This logic is for all inputs. With
Rev 2.x firmware, a single switch can be used to show closed and open. If
you want to detect a door or drawer opening and then closing, arrange the switch
to close when the door or drawer opens, and then the switch opens when the door
or drawer is closed.
*********Output Control Commands (Lights):
HMS Protocol for Controlling Outputs:
Outputs: Connect Loads between 'Output' and +V.
- Command1: Set Outputs 1-8 by: Bit selection, Brightness, Fade,
5 bytes [1, 'Select_Bits', Brightness, Fade, 204]
- Command2: Set Outputs 9-16 by: Bit selection, Brightness, Fade,
5 bytes [2, 'Select_Bits', Brightness, Fade, 204]
- Command5: Set all Outputs OFF Instant (Outputs 9-16)
bytes [5, 204]
When any input goes low (button input), then a string is sent to the
BrightSign (or other RS232 device).
The strings are:
Input# = String
- 1 = "1",13 (character "1" followed by a carriage return of chr(13))
- 2 = "2",13
- 3 = "3",13
- 4 = "4",13
- 5 = "5",13
- 6 = "6",13
- 7 = "7",13
- 8 = "8",13
- 9 = "9",13
- 10 = "10",13 ("1" followed by "0" then CR)
- 11 = "11",13
- 12 = "12",13
- 13 = "13",13
- 14 = "14",13
- 15 = "15",13
- 16 = "16",13
Not HMS Protocol for Controlling the board SW1-1 = ON:
The first byte received sets output port1 (outputs 1-8), the second byte
received sets output port2 (outputs 9-16). Each byte after byte 2
I.E. Send this byte sequence [1,128] and these are the results:
- 1=Port1 value (output 1 turns on)
- 128 = Port2 value (output 16 turns on)
Note: In BrightAuthor set the Serial I/O event to ASCII (not bytes).
Baud Setting: 38400,N,8,1 (No parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit)
Options SW1-1 to SW1-4:
1 ON = Not HMS Protocol
2 n/a
3 n/a
4 ON = Cycle Diagnostic (one output at a
time is turned on each port (port1 and port2 the same light will be on).
Note: The 12 volt 'barrel' connector is typically rated at 2 amps. IF
you need to drive more than 2 amps, use the output connector 0V and +V to
connect your power supply.
Author: Richard Harkey
Revised: August 27, 2024