Port 0 is the serial RS232 port (available on some older model BrightSigns with DB9 connector)
Port 1 is the TTL port (3.5mm Stereo Jack), this is the port that sends data to the HMS board if using serial. Don't forget to set the baud rate in the control panel! Also, most 'S3' boards require invert of serail (this function not available on all BrightSigns)
Port 2 is the USB-Serial port. If connecting USB-Serial chip (this chip is on all HMS 'USB' boards) then the HMS board appears as Port2. If using a port expander (to get multiple USB ports), then you will have to determine the correct Port to set in BrightAuthor
At 'events', you want to select 'Send Data' as the event, to port2, and then record the bytes there that you want to send to the HMS Board. If you use my new developer tool 'RS232 to BrightSign TTL' you can use your computer to view the bytes send by the BrightSign or, you can use your computer to send the control strings to the HMS board.
1. Select 'Edit', then 'Preferences' or Presentation Properties on the main menu.
2. Select 'Interactive', Port=1, Baud Rate (See the data sheet for the baud
rate), Data bits=8, Parity='none', Stop
3. Select 'Invert Serial' (required for HMS boards with 'S3' designation).
The 'S3' was first used with the '23' models of BrightSign. In hindsight,
I should have simply used 'S' for serial.
1. Select 'Edit, then Preferencess or Presentation Properties on the main
2. Select 'Interactive', Port = 2, Baud Rate (See the data sheed for
the baud rate), Data bits = 8, Parity = 'none', Stop Bits = 1
Note: I recomend using your computer to interact with HMS boards using HMS commands or viewing the result of button closures. This will often speed up development of your BrightAuthor script. If you need assistance with commands, I recommend that you use the 'Eltima Advanced Serial Port Terminal' software so that I can assist using the same interface.
Note: For whatever reason, the 'BrightAuthor' designers elected to omit the
serial port settings for certain models of BrightSigns. They did not take
into account them my 'USB' boards use a USB-Serial converter chip which requires
use of a serial port!
There are workarounds that you can find on the WEB!
Compatibility: To check USB to Serial compatibility with BrightAuthor, Select 'Presentation Properties' and then 'Serial Port Setup'. If BrightAuthor does not provide the option of a Serial Port, then that model is not supported by BrightAuthor and the HMS USB-Serial interface.
Sending Commands (Bytes): Use the 'Serial Send Bytes, Comma Separated' command in BrightAuthor to send bytes. No brackes, no parenthesis, just the bytes with commas. I.E. 10,20,30,40
updated: 10/03/2023