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Motion Detectors

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Infrared Motion Detectors

 BS-PIR-Z (Passive Infrared Motion Detector)

Price Each:  $68.00 (USD)

Passive Infrared Motion Detector with Sensitivity adjustment.  Range 25+ to about 3 feet.

Use with DB15-TB10-3V for simple direct connection to the BrightSign GPIO port

Links  Specification Sheet          PIR Cables

PIR Motion Detector


Price each:  $4.50 (USD)

The PIR detectors have a very wide 'viewing' range.  Order this 'attachment' to narrow the field of vision.  The tube is easily removed (press fit by hand) in order to cut it to adjust your 'field of vision'. Install it in place of the end with the round PIR cutout. PIR Collimator

Proximity Detectors

 BS-UPD  (Ultrasonic Proximity Detector)

Price Each:  $75.00 (USD)
Ultrasonic Proximity Detector with precision distance triggering.  4" to 30"

Use with DB15-TB10-3V for simple direct connection to the BrightSign GPIO port.  Or, with DB15-RJ11-6 phone cable adapter.

Links  Specification Sheet          PIR Cables

Ultrasonic Proximity Detector


Legacy GPIO adapters (Series 1 and Series 2 BrightSigns)

FORMERLY: DB15-DB15-PIR (GPIO Break-Out Adapter)

DB15-DB15-RJ12 (GPIO To RJ12 Break-Out Adapter)

Price Each: $22.00 (USD)

DB15 Break-Out Adapter (GPIO).  This adapter board mounts to the back of the Brightsign (plugs directly into the Brightsign GPIO connector).  This adapter useful for button boxes or button panels when you also want to connect a 'local device' such as a PIR detector or switch.  It can also be remote mounted by using a DB15 cable.  Attaching screws included. Header Jumpers provided to disconnect a Button Box or Button Panel (or other HMS I/O board )connection and  connect the external PIR or Proximity Detector to any GPIO.  I.E. (As shown) jumper 7 is set to PIR.  So GPIO-7 is connected to the PIR/Proximity device and not to the HMS-I/O board or button box.

Links:   DB15 Cables    PIR Cables

Ultrasonic Proximity Detector



Price Each 18.00 (USD)

GPIO (DB15) PIR Adapter (RJ12) with 6 pin terminal block for up to 4 additional inputs.  The PIR output connects to GPIO-7 (Btn7) and the 4 inputs connect to GPIO 0-3.  With mounting screws PIR Adapter w/Terminal Block



Price Each 22.00 (USD)

GPIO (DB15) PIR Adapter (RJ12) with 8 pin terminal block for up to 6 additional inputs.  The PIR output connects to GPIO-7 (Btn7) and GPIO-6 (Btn6).  The 6 inputs connect to GPIO 0-5.  Comes with mounting screws PIR Adapter w/Terminal Block

Series 3 & 4 PIR & UPD Adapters


 TB12-RJ12-TB11 (BrightSign MD Adapter)
 Formerly TB12-PIR-TB11

Price Each 22.00 (USD)

GPIO to RJ12 'PIR'  or 'UPD' Adapter with 11 pin terminal block for up to 7 additional inputs.  The RJ12 connectors connects to GPIO-0 (Btn0).  The 7 inputs connect to GPIO 1-7. PIR Adapter w/Terminal Block
TB12-RJ12-2-TB10 (BrightSign MD-2 Adapter)
 Formerly TB12-PIR2-TB10

Price Each 24.00 (USD)

GPIO to RJ12 'PIR'  or 'UPD' Adapter  with 10 pin terminal block for up to 8 additional inputs.  The 'MD' outputs connects to GPIO-0 (Btn0) and GPIO-1 (Btn1).  The 6 inputs connect to GPIO 2-7.
TB12-RJ12-4-TB8 (BrightSign MD-4 Adapter)
 Formerly TB12-PIR4-TB8

Price Each 27.00 (USD)

Four Motion Detector Jacks for GPIO to 'PIR'  or 'UPD' Adapter with 10 pin terminal block for up to 6 additional inputs.  The 'MD' outputs connects to GPIO-0 (Btn0) and GPIO-1 (Btn1).  The 6 inputs connect to GPIO 2-7.  'MD' Jacks 3 and 4 share the inputs 2 and 3.
TB12-RJ12-8-TB6 (BrightSign MD-8 Adapter)
 Formerly TB12-PIR8-TB6

Price Each 32.00 (USD)

Eight Motion Detector Jacks for GPIO to 'PIR'  or 'UPD' Adapters  with 6 pin terminal block for up to 4 additional inputs.  The 'MD' outputs connects to GPIO-0 (Btn0) thru GPIO-7 (Btn7).  The 4 inputs connect to GPIO 4-7.  'MD' Jacks 4,5,6 and 7 share the inputs 4,5,6, and 7.
Link: RJ12 Phone Cables 6 Conductor Cables for PIR and Proximity Detectors   

Links  Developer Tools


Revised: August 27, 2024